Digital Signage: a new way to communicate
Initially used to display DVD and VHS content, Digital Signage has evolved significantly with the integration of touchscreens and advanced functionalities. Today, it stands as a cutting-edge communication tool—static or interactive—that connects, shares, and communicates in dynamic ways.
Think back to the last time you encountered a Digital Signage device. You likely saw crisp, vivid images on a display or interacted with a touchscreen that let you explore various options.
This is how most people see Digital Signage today—a system utilizing the latest hardware and software technologies to elevate communication. However, its roots are humble, dating back to the ‘90s and early 2000s when it was used in electronics stores to show DVD or even VHS content.
Over time, as with any technology, Digital Signage has rapidly evolved. The advent of computer-based players and the continual advancement of touch systems has led to a more frequent presence in various environments.
At first, businesses adopting this technology focused on stores and shopping centers. But soon it became clear that Digital Signage held vast communication potential beyond retail. Today, it is used in companies, schools, hospitals, and other organizations to share information, engage users, and promote brand awareness.
Let’s explore how it can be used specifically.

Are you aiming to share a message across a hospital campus, school, or city center? Want to inform people about what a city and its surroundings have to offer? Or perhaps you need to keep your staff updated about upcoming company events? Digital Signage is your go-to solution.
Unlike traditional paper-based communication methods (posters, flyers, etc.), Digital Signage allows you to instantly and widely distribute your content from a single PC. Whether you have a single screen or hundreds of displays, this technology ensures you reach your audience within moments, with the flexibility to easily edit and update the information displayed.
Most Digital Signage software is designed so that users can manage content independently, without constantly relying on a communications agency or external staff. Moreover, studies from Arbitron reveal that Digital Signage increases recall rates by more than 83% compared to traditional communication, as people tend to remember information displayed on digital screens better.
Digital Signage can also provide users with access to resources and tools that, a decade ago, were impossible to make public—not because of restrictions, but due to the lack of suitable technology.
Today, features such as searchable categories within Digital Signage displays allow users to quickly locate the content they’re interested in, often complete with descriptions, geolocation, and website links. Digital Signage monitors can support multiple languages, making content accessible to a global audience, or even integrate VoIP systems, making information accessible to all users.

In addition to informing and connecting people, Digital Signage serves as an advertising platform, whether the goal is to boost sales or increase brand awareness. A report from Intel Corporation indicates that digital displays capture significantly more attention, generating up to 400% more views than traditional static ads.
Depending on the installer’s needs, advertising can be either the primary purpose of a Digital Signage solution or a complementary feature to its primary function. For example, a Digital Signage solution in a city center might primarily provide local information but also include a banner ad for nearby venues.
Regardless of its specific use, this new form of communication empowers businesses of all sizes to promote their brand and products in a unique, innovative way. It also allows companies and organizations to save on printing costs and speed up content distribution and updates.
In summary, whether it’s for a shopping center, a school, or a company, Digital Signage—static or dynamic—has become an effective method to:
- Share information
- Connect with users
- Build brand awareness within a target audience
These three uses are not mutually exclusive. They can be integrated into a single display, offering users an engaging and memorable communication experience.